How to Find Apartments for Persons with Disabilities

If you are in need of assisted living, you may still qualify to receive assistance from government programs, including the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), as well as other government grants.

However, if eligible for Section 8 apartments, it is important to know that your Housing Choice Voucher Program benefits can only go toward the cost of housing, and cannot be applied toward the cost of services and meals. 

By learning more about housing for disabled individuals, you may be better prepared to make a more informed decision regarding your housing situation and finances.

It is also worth taking the time to learn more about the disability assistant programs that may be able to aid you in keeping your home, if you are a current homeowner. 

Disability grants that can assist in the cost of home modifications to accommodate a disability. If you do not yet require nursing care, you may also benefit from state and local independent centers that can assist you in furthering skills that will help you live on your own with a disability. 

Learn About Section 8 Apartments

Section 8 apartments offer the opportunity to pay a reduce rental amount, while receiving benefits from the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

The vouchers can also be used for certain assisted living dwellings, but only toward the cost of rent. Beneficiaries would, therefore, still be responsible for the full cost of meals and services. 

Section 8 apartments are available to qualifying low- and very-low-income families, senior citizens and disabled persons.

Funding for the program is provided by the United Stated Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and administered on local levels by Public Housing Agencies (PHAs).

In order to qualify for rental assistance under this program, you must: 

  • Be a U.S. citizen or have a qualifying and lawful immigration status. 
  • Be considered disabled, a senior citizen or a “family” (at least one dependent child younger than the age of 18 living within the home). 
  • Have an income that does not exceed 50 percent of your local area’s median income levels. 

While Section 8 apartments are available to qualifying applicants with income that does not exceed 50 percent of an area’s median income, the PHA must provide at least 75 percent of the available vouchers to applicants with income amounts that do not exceed 30 percent of the area’s median income. 

If approved to receive assistance, you will either be eligible to receive rental assistance right away, or you will be placed on a waiting list.

While waiting lists are notoriously long, it is worth knowing that a great number of PHAs have a priority list for disabled individuals, as well as senior citizens. 

If interested in Section 8 apartments, you will need to contact your local PHA, and submit an application. Your local PHA can provide you more details on eligibility requirements, including the income limit for your area. If approved for benefits, rental assistance amounts will be based upon your household size and income. 

How to Look for Housing for Disabled People

Assisted living facilities offer apartment-style living, but with additional services provided, in order to assist senior citizens and disabled individuals with personal care and some healthcare.

These facilities are not nursing homes, as they are not designed to provide the amount of care that a nursing home is able to provide. 

In addition to assisted living facilities, some rental units may advertise lower rent costs or certain accommodations to disabled individuals and senior citizens.

Therefore, it is important to take the time to contact your local state government to learn more about listings that may be in your area, as well as inquire about any disability housing aid that may be available to you. 

If Section 8 apartments are currently unavailable, you may qualify for assistance through the Public Housing program. Offered at a local level by PHA offices, this program hosts similar requirements and benefits to the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

However, the key difference for this program is that the housing that is available is owned by the state. Rather than receive vouchers, rental amounts are simply reduced, since rental prices are set by the state. 

If you do not yet need an assisted living facility, state and local independent living centers – that strive to help disabled persons and senior citizens remain independent – can assist in the development or honing of skills needed to continue to live independently.  

How to Use Disability Grants for Housing

While affordable apartments for rent are an option, you may be able to obtain a grant that will allow you to improve, repair and ultimately keep your home, if you are a current homeowner.

Disability grants and USDA-guaranteed loans are available to qualifying applicants. Some grants can be used toward modernization, while others must be used for more specific purchases, such as improving a home or making an alternation to accommodate a disability.

In order to be eligible for a grant or guaranteed loan, you may need to meet eligibility requirements such as: 

  • Homeownership, including being the homeowner and having the intent to occupy the home. 
  • Income guidelines, as a majority of the grant programs only offer grants to applicants that are considered to be low- or very-low-income. 
  • Disability or age-related eligibility requirements. 

You can review the disability grants that may be available to you at the state and local levels by contacting your state or local government.

By doing so, you can gain a better understanding of the type of grants and assistance programs that may be available to you.

Depending on the state and area that you live within, you may also be provided with information about nonprofit organizations that can assist in modifications for a vehicle to accommodate a disability. 

If you are a U.S. veteran with a service-connected or age-related disability, you could qualify for a housing grant to build or modify a home to better serve your needs.

Grants can be used for several purposes, based upon the grant, including for the installation of ramps or to widen doorways.